Zhang Deke can use his own power as a human conductor of electricity to charge six 13 watt light bulbs simply by placing them on his head and ears.
As the bulbs light up, he is even able to control their brightness. He has also cooked a fish, which he held in his hand as the current flowed through his body, in just two minutes!
Zhang, 71 a retired highway maintenance worker from Altay City, China, often exercises by hooking himself up to the electricity supply. With both hands holding live wires, he allows 220 volts of electricity to run through his body without any ill effects, even though it is the same charge that an electric eel delivers to kill a human.
He first discovered his extraordinary ability when he was 47. While changing a light bulb, he accidentally touched a live wire, but instead of receiving a shock or being electrocuted, he felt almost nothing. He tentatively tried it again and eventually realizes that his body could conduct electricity. In 1994, he was examined at the Chinese Academy of Sciences, where experts said he has an unspecified physical dysfunction.
Zhang administers his electrical therapy to help friends and relatives who are suffering from ailments such as rheumatism, arthritis, and lumbago. One friend had been bedridden for some time with lumber hyperplasia, but nine months after receiving Zhang's shock treatment he was out riding a bicycle.